Full Moon – A time to forgive and move forward

If you look up into the sky on a full moon, you’ll notice it illuminating the world around you.

You may also notice how your energy has been supercharged over the 3-7 days in the build up to the full moon – physically or emotionally – and the night of the full moon is the perfect time to tune into your spiritual energy and put the lunar magic to good use.

Each full moon is the right moment to deal with difficult emotions, and you’ll soon find that working on forgiveness will help to bring you inner peace.

Each full moon is in the opposite sign to wherever the sun lies at that moment. For example, in September, when the sun is in Virgo, the full moon will be in the opposite sign of Pisces. Depending on your personal astrological birth chart, some full moons will be more powerful for you, highlighting the areas you really need to pay attention to. Depending on how important this lesson is for you, you may feel a gentle nudge or a huge kick in the backside! People from the past could show up in your life or things may ‘appear’ to go wrong, forcing you to take action.

Forgive others, but don’t forget to forgive yourself too.

Human beings aren’t perfect and we all make mistakes and bad choices.

But we must remember that even those bad choices can be the right ones at that particular moment and to look back, not with regret but with forgiveness and love.

Take the time to consider how you’re listening to others.

Could you be a better listener?

The full moon is also the perfect moment to put down our smart phones and laptops and explore what’s happening around us. Spend more time talking to people, visiting local events, spending time outdoors, socialising, asking questions….

With every full moon, it’s a good idea to write a gratitude list. This helps us to tune into what’s really important to us and keeps us on our path to achieving our goals and dreams. If you wish you can burn your gratitude list (safely) afterwards, or keep it in a moon journal to refer back to in the future.

What (or who) are you grateful for today?

Lorraine xx


Moon Rituals:

My Full Moon ritual is a simple one. I light a candle and work through forgiveness and gratitude in a special journal. I love writing down my thoughts as I find this is the best way for me to access my inner voice. I usually pull three oracle cards and write down my interpretation of these in relation to where I’m at and where I want to be. I’ve always got my rose quartz crystal with me throughout and I hold it while I’m working through my forgiveness and gratitude journalling.

I refer to my favourite lunar book, Moonology, which goes into more depth about moon rituals for specific star signs and ascendants.

What does your moon ritual look like?

One thought on “Full Moon – A time to forgive and move forward

  1. Giulia says:

    Lovely <3 gratitude and forgiveness are the most powerful forces, I totally agree with you 🙂 This week I felt a shift in my emotions (a bit more anxiety) starting suddenly in the middle of the day on Wednesday

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