Create a business that feels aligned to your heart and soul

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Having been a business owner since the late 1990s I can now look back and see the strategies and mindset shifts I had to put in place, and the action I had to take consistently, in order to feel like everything was aligned to my core values.

 And of course, it had to light me up every single day! 

There’s so much I could share about how I’ve ended up where I am today, but for now, I’m keeping it to some simple action steps and tips YOU can take to make sure you have your most successful, productive, abundant and happy year yet!

❤️ Listen to your gut. Sometimes in life, love and business, we make decisions that we feel aren’t quite right, but we can’t see another way so we take them anyway. If you get that feeling that something is a little ‘off’ or gives you a funny feeling in the pit of your stomach, hold off for a few days (or at least a few hours) before you take action. Always listen to your intuition – it’s usually right!

❤️ Don’t sell out to companies and products you don’t believe in. If you’re offered the chance to represent a brand or product but it really doesn’t sit well with you, then feel confident in saying ‘no’ and walking away – however much money it may be worth! Ditto goes for working with clients who really don’t fit your niche or those who will end up costing you lots of time, stress and grey hairs. It’s your company, you are free to choose who you work with and who you don’t.

❤️ Create a secure financial situation for yourself. Easier said than done for many of us, I know! If you’ve come out of a well paid job and have savings worth six to twelve months of your previous salary, then that’s a great place to start. However, if, like me, you started out as a small business charging clients on an hourly basis, then you may simply not have had the ability to save any decent amount, nor have high limits on credit cards. My top tip is to start saving at least 10% of your gross income (if your living costs enable you to save 20% to 30% that’s even better!) and put it into an account where you can’t access it easily. Once you feel financially secure and stable, you’re MORE LIKELY to take action that is aligned to your heart, soul and core values.

❤️ Take some time out to plan ahead with YOUR DREAMS and goals in mind. It’s easy to get swept up in financial planning or social media marketing strategies (both of which are needed too), but it’s also important to take time on a regular basis to look at whether your business is still headed in the way you wish, or whether changes need to be made. I made the biggest strides ahead in my business after I took two months off to tune back in to my feminine energy, spend time in nature and read, write and create things with no pressure to sell or promote my business.

I’d love to hear what lights you up, makes you feel ‘in tune’ with the Universe and what’s really important to you in your business.

Lorraine xx

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